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  • Writer's pictureJoshua Forte

"The Joker's" MVP Case is No Joke.

While scrolling through my timeline on Twitter today, quite peacefully I might add, I came across arguably one of the worst basketball takes I have seen in quite some time; Nick Wright of First Things First on FS1 is trying to diminish the value of the season that Nikola Jokić of the Denver Nuggets is having.

Personally, I would not lie... I got really heated and previously I would usually just refer to him as stupid or "doesn't know what he is talking about". However, in an effort to grow, I have decided to be more productive with my thoughts and feelings.

I will articulate why I believe Nick Wright along with many others, who have been trying to force a case for Chris Paul as this season's regular season MVP are wrong.

This won't just be solely premised on my opinion, but rather will be proven through any metric you can use to measure an MVP, both statistically and narratively.

For context, here is a clip of what Nick Wright said on First Things First this morning:

To make matters worse he then went on a tweet storm with some really horrendous takes:

I mean really Nick? Come on bro. You are just projecting big hater energy at this point, towards one of the most humble athletes in the entire league right now. Don't get me wrong, I in no way hate Nick Wright. I admire where he has gotten in life, as it is somewhere I hope to reach someday. I know he is just doing his job, but I vehemently disagree with his stance here. This blog also has no intent to discredit what Chris Paul has achieved this season. He is having a great one and I can see why a case is being made for the "point gawd". But it comes no where close as strong as Jokić's.

Statistical Comparison

According to Basketball-Reference, Jokić is ahead of CP3 in almost every statistical category this season. Currently at 26.4 points per game, Jokić is listed as the 11th highest scorer in the NBA right now.

Chris Paul, admittedly not known as a scorer and a pass first point guard is averaging 16.2 points per games and ranks 52nd on the list of scorers this season. Surely he should be at least Top 20 to be considered right? Heck even top 50? He meets neither of these requirements.

Moving on to assists, Chris Paul edges Jokić here averaging 8.8 assists in comparison to Joker's 8.4 and they both rank 3rd and 6th in the league respectively. However, CP3's role as point guard is literally to run the offence for the Suns. Jokić has completely changed the modern game, evolving into a "point center", generating looks for his team while providing them with efficient scoring. For context on how remarkable a feat Jokić has accomplished, the next closest center in terms of assists is ranked at 28th and it's Bam Adebayo of the Miami Heat. Jokić averages more rebounds, a better field goal percentage and even more steals than Chris Paul. Jokić is also having one of the most historically efficient seasons ever also. With a PER rating of 31.15, only names such as Michael Jordan, Lebron James, Steph Curry, Wilt Chamberlain and Giannis Antetokounmpo have had higher PER ratings than "The Joker".

That's it, that's the list. Are those players any good to you?

In the head-to-head matchup Jokić nicks CP3 again as the Nuggets have beaten the Suns 2-1 in the season series. Based on the statistical evidence provided, I think that its fair to say that it's not even close between the two players.


There is nothing the fans and the media love more than a backstory. I'm bold enough to even profess that absolutely no one in the league right now has a more compelling case than Jokić. Jamal Murray tore his ACL a couple weeks ago; the Nuggets' second best player. You would think that losing a player of that caliber would significantly diminish your results. Not for Jokić. Since Murray's injury, the Nuggets have gone an incredible 10-2. Jokić has carried the team on his back.

Chris Paul's second best player, Devin Booker, is arguably an even better player than Jamal Murray and he has been healthy all season. There has been this perception that CP3 has had this massive impact on the Suns and is the sole reason for their position, but that's simply not the full truth. Let us not forget that the Suns went 8-0 in the bubble last season. This team was playoff bound regardless. Again, this is not to disregard what Paul is doing but let us be real, if you removed him from the Suns and Jokić from the Nuggets, the Suns would be better off. Not to mention that "The Joker" has been an absolute Ironman for the Nuggets this season playing in all 66 games for his team this season.

Furthermore, Jokić is becoming an unguardable player. Last year in the playoffs we saw what Jokić did to the Clippers; he absolutely bullied Montrez Harrell. Posting up almost any player in the league right now is almost always a mismatch and teams often try to counter his size by doubling him. The thing about doubling Jokić is that it literally makes no sense. Jokić is a willing passer. He wants you to double him. From the moments teams do this, its almost as if he has eyes at the back of his head. He will make a pass and nine times out of ten, make a perfectly-placed pass to a guy in his shooting pocket.

One of the most important factors that will make for a great narrative is the fact that Jokić was the 41st pick in his draft class. If he wins the MVP award, he would make history by becoming the 1st player ever to be drafted in the second round to win the MVP award.

Conclusively, I just want to thank Jokić for guiding me to my first NBA fantasy title this season. Jokić averaged 60 fantasy points per game this season, ranking 1st amongst all players.

Man. I can't believe those guys let me get him at five.

Additionally, as fans we really need to expose ourselves to the league more. This league is filled with talent. There are so many good teams, including Denver. So please if you are free, spare the time to watch some more Joker. I promise you, he is a baller and destined for the hall of fame. Also to Nick Wright, this doesn't go out to you, but rather your opinion.

From The Joker and myself.....I leave you with this picture:

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Rabina Beepath
Rabina Beepath
May 07, 2021

That Jokić compilation video was so 🔥 Now I know why he has the nickname "The Joker" 😅

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